Road to Cerro Negro Km 7.2, Quillón - Ñuble Region - Chile
Tuesday to Sunday: 11:00 - 17:30
+569 9047 8860 | +569 8208 8789
Mission and Objectives
Promote animal welfare and the conservation of the planet's wild species.
Promote respect for animals regardless of their origin.
Disseminate knowledge about species with a special emphasis on endemic and exotic species that are endangered.
Support the transformation of society towards one where animal welfare is considered a fundamental pillar, advocating for awareness of animals with a very different evolutionary scale from ours.
Foster awareness based on respect for life and its dignity under human care, regardless of its destination, proposing a new experience in the treatment of these living beings.
Provide a physical space for animals whose species are at risk of survival (CITES Appendix I and II).
Combat illegal wildlife trafficking in all its forms and by all possible means.
Support institutions in need with knowledge, resources, logistics, or other means for the benefit of animals.
Preserve wild genotypes.
Be a real support for Chilean animal welfare issues.